We aim to be recognized as valued advisers of choice for clients across Asia by being agile, responsive, diligent, accurate and ethical in all our actions.


Our Mission

To assist our clients in dealing with critical and sensitive issues impacting on their business, people and customers. As a whole, Aegis Interaktif Asia, brings decades of experience and knowledge gained from supporting global clients in dealing with these issues across Asia and elsewhere.

We strive to be valued, ethical, independent advisers and to work with our clients to achieve the most optimal outcome from every situation by giving frank advice and recommendations.

Our Core Values

To always be ethical
To always be independent
To always add value for our client
Doing the right thing is always
the right thing to do

A short history of Aegis


Alvah Davis and Peter Coleman were working for the world’s first LEO Satellite telephone company, Iridium. Iridium had managed to successfully launch the first truly global hand-held satellite telephone network and they knew it was time for them to move onto something just as exciting and interesting as the previous couple of years had been for the duo.


Alvah, Peter, and a score of other fraud and security experts from around the world had criss-crossed the earth numerous times spreading the Iridium gospel to GSM and terrestrial phone carriers. They had managed to bring together disparate technologies, languages, cultures, and laws into one truly global team and network. It had been hard, tiring but ultimately rewarding work. The buzz of the start-up was intoxicating, and they didn’t want to lose that feeling. They also did not want to lose the opportunity to continue to work with their colleagues and partners in other parts of the world. Alvah and Peter realised that Iridium had given them a unique opportunity to be the first consultants with real experience working across all aspects of telephony, and particularly in the areas of fraud and security. They felt that it would be a shame to lose the momentum and the knowledge that we and the team had gained and so the idea of forming a bespoke consultancy was worked up in that kitchen in Dolley Madison Blvd in McLean on the outskirts of Washington DC.

Interestingly the first issue was what to call ourselves. We were easily convinced that we were going to be good at what we did and that we would be successful, so a name was important. Alvah is a bit of a history buff and has an interest in Greek mythology. Thus, Aegis seemed to be an easy choice. We often get asked what is the meaning of Aegis. Despite being a commonly used name for companies, its meaning is less known. In short, Aegis is the Shield of Zeus, it is seen as a divine shield, a protector.

This was how Aegis became a registered company in the United States.


Aegis Interactive Consulting became a registered business in Australia for approximately three years.


Peter accepted a partnership with Deloitte in Singapore to kick off their forensic practice so Aegis Australia was shut. However, Alvah kept the light on in the window with the US Aegis.

After his work in Deloitte Singapore, Peter moved to Jakarta in 2013.


Aegis Interaktif Asia was established in Jakarta using the Bahasa Indonesia's phonetic spelling.


The company was relocated to Singapore and was joined by a new partner, Gavin McIntyre, a well-established personnel in Singapore's financial world. It was decided by Peter and Gavin to keep the phonetic spelling of the name as it has generated almost as much discussion as the logo. Although, the logo was stylized and improvised in the same year.


Today, our company continues to operate on a global basis but with a heavy focus on Asia. Aegis Interaktif Asia have executed engagements from Afghanistan to Japan, China, Indonesia, India and all parts in between over the past few years. Alvah continues to work with Peter and Gavin as a strategic partner both in the USA and across Asia.